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& Aitken, Bill: Exploring Indian railways / Bill Aitken. -
2. impr. - Delhi [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 1997. -
XII, 279 S. : Ill.
(Oxford India paperbacks)
ISBN 0-19-563761-5& Gabb, Alfred D. F.: Anglo-Indian legacy : a brief guide
to British Raj India history, nationality, education,
railways & irrigation ; 1600 - 1947 / by Alfred D. F.
(George) Gabb. - York : Quacks Books, 1998. - XI, 164 S. :
Ill., Kt.
ISBN 0-948333-83-9 (pbk)& Gangadhara Rao, M.: Industrial relations in Indian
railways / by M. Gangadhara Rao. - Waltair : Andhra Univ.
Press, 1978. - XXX, 352 S.
(Andhra University series ; 139)
Teilw. zugl.: Waltair, Univ., Diss.& Hari Rao, Palangamal: Indian Railways Act : an exhaustive
commentary on the Indian Railways Act, 1890, (Act no. IX
of 1890) / P. Hari Rao. Edited by D. S. Chopra. - 4. ed. -
Allahabad : G. D. Kataria for Orient Law House, 1980. -
XLVIII, 1144 S.&amp; India <Colony> / Railway Board: Report by the Railway
Board on Indian railways / Government of India, Railway
Department (Railway Board). - Calcutta
1931 - 1938 nachgewiesen
Vorg. --> Administration report on the railways in India
ZDB-ID: 758226-2&amp;
Indian railways : as connected with the power, and
stability of the British empire in the East; the
development of its resources, and the civilization of its
people ; with a brief analysis of the projects now
claiming public confidence / by an old indian postmaster. -
London : Newby, 1846. - II, 89 S.&amp; Indian railways : a monthly journal devoted to railway
affairs in India and abroad / publ. by the Minister of
Railways. - New Delhi
1.1956/57 -
ISSN 0019-6274
ZDB-ID: 861929-3
CODEN: INRWAQ&amp; Indian railways and their probable results with maps and
an appendix containing statistics of internal and external
commerce of India / by an old Indian postmaster. - 3. ed. -
London, 1848. - getr. Zählung&amp; Jha, Raghbendra: Inter-temporal and cross-section
variations in technical efficiency in the Indian railways /
Raghbendra Jha ; Subansh P. Singh. - Kingston, Ont. :
Queen's Univ., 1994. - 26 S.
(Discussion paper / Institute for Economic Research ; 900)&amp; Khosala, Guradiala Singha: A history of Indian railways /
G. S. Khosla. - 1. ed. - New Delhi : Ministry of Railways,
Railway Board, Government of India, 1988. - XVIII, 394 S. :
Kt.&amp; Kumar, Tapan: Bhaumik on the Indian Railways act,
1890 : (IX of 1890) ; containing rules, forms allied acts,
general informations, notifications, etc. / by Tapan Kumar
Pal. - 5th ed. - Calcutta : Eastern Law House, 1978. -
37, 605 S.&amp; Pet, Paul C.: Indien : ein Kaiserreich für
die Bahn / Paul C. Pet ; Geoffrey Moorhouse ; Brian
Hollingsworth. [Bildlegenden, Ill. u. Tagebuchnotizen:
Anja Pet-van Diest. Übers. d. Texte: Hans Peter
Treichler ...]. - Zürich ; Schwäbisch Hall : Orell
Füssli, 1985. - 220, [24] S. : überwiegend Ill.
ISBN 3-280-01500-6&amp; Prasad, Amba: Indian railways : a study in public utility
administration / Amba Prasad. - London : Asia Publ. House,
1960. - XV, 435 S.&amp; Rao, M. A.: Indian railways / M. A. Rao. - New Delhi :
National Book Trust, 1975. - VI, 291 S. : Ill.
(India, the land and people)

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